The city provides an update of road work and closings each week. The following are some of the reported closures this week:

- The current Stay-At-Home Order order in Indiana is still in effect. Unless you work at an essential business or are doing an essential activity, you are expected to stay at home. You can still do walking, jogging, biking, or outdoor activities, including driving to local parks.
126th Street west of SR 37 is continues to be closed and is still anticipated to reopen in July. Cross access and all left turns are still restricted, with only right in and right out until this phase ends. - Traffic on Southbound SR 37 will shift to the Northbound lanes and two lanes will remain in each direction. Local access to businesses will remain open via Lantern Road.
- 96th Street between Sargent Road and Cumberland Road is still closed. The Sargent Road roundabout is anticipated to reopen in mid-June. 96th Street east of Sargent Road to Cumberland Road will remain closed and is anticipated to reopen in early November.
- There are still lane restrictions on Municipal Drive behind the Hamilton East Public Library in order to construct on-street parking and is anticipated to be completed by the end of June.
- South Street is currently closed between the railroad tracks and Moore Street for approximately two weeks.
- Lantern Road between 126th Street and 131st Street will be reduced to one lane for utility work beginning Wednesday, April 22nd.
- Lantern Road is currently closed to through traffic, beginning south of 116th Street to Fishers Pointe Boulevard, as part of the Downtown Infrastructure Improvement Project to improve the sanitary sewer underneath Lantern Road. Access to Fishers Elementary is available from 106th Street.
- 191st Street between Promise Road and Mallery Road will be closed until (up to) April 25th for drainage improvements.
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