With the summer cranking by quickly, it is no surprise that the City of Fishers has announced they are opening free Covid-19 testing for kids 12 to 19 in addition to the testing they’ve been doing. This move provides preparation towards the school district deciding how they will open later this year and how to keep kids safer.
Starting June 22nd, the testing program put on by the Fishers Health Department will continue to be free for residents, now including those aged 12 or older. Just as with the current program, kids don’t have to be showing signs of being sick to be tested. Parents and guardians can start scheduling kids beginning on June 20th. As with anything involving minors and medical options, the guardian will need to provide consent as well as accompany the child when getting the testing done.
The city commented,
“Minor children who are sick or experiencing any unusual symptoms should be fully assessed by their primary medical provider. The assessment and COVID-19 testing are not medical evaluations and should not be considered a substitute for any testing ordered by a medical provider.“
Testing is done via a drive-thru site downtown. More information along with scheduling can be found at fishersrecovery.com/testing.
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