Ever wonder what you are going to do with that broken television sitting in the garage? Do you have a bunch of cardboard boxes sitting around. Are half empty paint cans rusting away in your garage? Are you not sure what to do with that broken lawn mower?
While many people toss things like old paint, chemicals, and old electronics into their trash, you really are not suppose to. Instead, these types of items should be recycled or disposed of property. The City of Fishers has a recycling days twice a year, and the next one is happening October 2, 2021.
What the City is doing is providing a location, in this case Billericay Park, where residents can bring various items to the park and drop them off in an organized manner. There no fee, you simply need to bring them from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. to drop off. There are even people there to get them out of your vehicle.
While the City won’t take some things such as mattresses, plastic, foam containers, foam peanuts, glass, grease, general trash, or wood, they will take the following items:
• Aerosols
• All paint types
• Antifreeze
• Appliances
• Cardboard
• Cell phones
• Computers (including monitors)
• Corrosive liquids
• Fire extinguishers
• Fluorescent lamp and PCB ballasts
• Gaming systems
• Keyboards and mice
• Lawnmowers
• Liquid acids and bases
• Medical sharps
• Metals
• Motor oil
• Non-conforming waste (unknowns)
• Paper
• Pool chemicals
• Power tools
• Printers (including cartridges and toners)
• Propane tanks (gas grill size only)
• Speakers
• Stereos
• Televisions and VCRs
• Toxic solids
• Wiring
• Workout equipment
The following are also accepted. Up to 100 pounds/liquid equivalent is free. There is a charge after that.
• Flammable liquids
• Pesticides/herbicides
The intent is for this to be non-consumer recyclables – things that you don’t put in the recycling bins done by trash services. Additionally, this is for residents, not businesses.
There is also document recycling and shredding and paper recycling available. Paper recycling is available for all paper types. If you want shredding done, that happens off-site after Share’s Inc. (a certified confidential document shredding company) hauls the paper to their facility.
This is a great service offered by the city. Be aware that it is also a popular service, which means there is generally a line of vehicles bringing items to drop off. The line generally moves fast if people follow the guidance, and as mentioned before, the people working the event will get things out of your vehicle so you don’t have to get out of the drivers seat and can be on your way as fast as possible.
The next event won’t likely be until next spring, so take advantage of the October 2nd date while you can!
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