I’m a huge (huge) fan of our public library. I’ve an article I’ll be publishing about the library that flaunts many of the great services it provides that are not books. I’m also a fan of green space and especially trees.
One of the cool things about Fishers is that it included local legislation that requires builders to include green space. While those rule were recently reduced in some cases, for the most part, there is an understanding that green space is valuable.
If you look around Fishers, you’ll see a number of huge trees. There are several along Allisonville Road, within our larger parks, and many other areas. In the “downtown” area, there are still a few large trees, with many being around the library.
It was disheartening to see many big trees ripped out with the widening of Allisonville Road, but it was sadder to see the trees ripped out in the downtown Nickel Plate area around the amphitheater and then in the lot next to the library so that a new 3 story building could be built. Some of the trees, however, were left in place behind the library. For now.
A new plan that was mentioned at a Nickel Plate Trail update meeting showed that a change is in the works for the Fishers Public Library (actually called Hamilton East Public Library). The entrance is expected to be shifted to what is currently the back of the building, and parking is going to be adjusted as well. This will allow for a path to be created from the new Nickel Plate Trail to the central amphitheater area of the city center. This is a current parking lot, so converting it to green space means new growth.
But this post is about trees!
Because the parking in the front of the library will be reduced, a new parking lot will be added to the back. This will mean cutting out many more of the remaining trees on the Northwest side of the library. These trees will be removed for progress.
As I hear about the changes being made, the more Dr. Seuss’ story of The Lorax comes to mind. What is ironic, however, is that it is the making of a new city park that seems to be driving the need to make the changes to remove green space.
It would be nice if the city looked closer at how trees could be saved. It often seems that the city strives for green space, but the end result is a bit less green and a lot more grays and browns.
When The Yard (not to be called the Yard, but rather The Fishers District) was initially discussed, there was a lot of talk about how it would not look like the typical strip mall with message parlors, cellular companies, and lots of parking spaces, but would rather feature outdoor green spaces. Clearly paradise was paved over at The Yard. As the library makes changes, let’s hope that we don’t move closer to the world presented in The Lorax.
I end this post with a song I’ve referenced before in regard to Fishers:
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CHECK IT OUT: Check out my book, Spot the Difference in Fishers: City Parks Edition. Support a local writer/business by buying a copy today! This is a ‘game’ book good for a bit of fun for you and/or your kids!
In looking at some research on the benefit of trees to cities, I came across a list of nine benefits. I thought this was interesting, so I’m adding the list here:
I didn’t make this list – I simply am reporting what others’ research showed.