Get a Behind the Curtain Look at HSE: 2024-25 HSE Engaged Application Now Open

HSEngaged is now open for applications again.

If you are within the HSE district, have the time, and are really interested in getting a better look behind the curtain of how things operate in a quarter-of-a-billion-dollar school district, they you should apply and attend this program. In my opinion, anyone that thinks they might run for school board at some point in the future should attend this course. Anyone that really wants to know what is involved in running the fourth largest district should apply for the sessions.

I’ve talked about HSEngaged before (and written on it at ). I attended and posted my notes for many of the sessions. It is insightful. Over the course of several months, you attend sessions that look at different aspects of the HSE district. You end up getting tours of schools and other facilities as well as getting a chance to learn and ask questions on things ranging from classroom approaches to cafeterias to high school programs to how the bus routing work to how the schools engage with the City of Fishers to so much more.

For this program the district invites “a small cohort of interested parents, area residents, business and community leaders” to join HSEngaged. This has been happening since 2021 (when I attended) to now – when they are accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year!

You have to apply.

To be considered for a spot in HSEngaged, you have to fill out an application because there are a limited number of spots. If you applied before, you need to apply again. You can apply using the form at

They ask – and I agree – that if you are going to participate, then commit to being at all of the meetings. They ask that you be at 80%, but you should commit to all short of those family emergency-type of things. You have until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26 to apply and they will let you know by mid-July.

To learn more on HSEngaged, you can go to The meeting dates and sessions for the 2024-25 program are:

  • 11:00a, Aug. 15: Welcome to HSEngaged hosted at HSE Administration Building
  • 9:00a, Sept. 26: Building a Foundation hosted at TBD
  • 11:00a, Oct. 24: Preparing Students for the Future hosted at Fishers High School
  • 9:00a, Nov. 21: Mental Health and Student Safety hosted at Fall Creek Junior High
  • 11:00a, Dec. 19: Educational Supports hosted at Hamilton Southeastern High School
  • 9:00a, Jan. 23: Tools for Success hosted at Deer Creek Elementary
  • 11:00a, Feb. 27: Behind-the-Scenes at HSE hosted at Cumberland Road Elementary
  • 9:00a, Mar. 27: The Cost of Education hosted at HSE Administration Building
  • 11:00a, Apr. 24: End-of-Year Celebration at Riverside Intermediate

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