Fishers Public Library, a branch of Hamilton East Public Library, sent out a press release providing additional information on the changes happening to the library. I’ve included the release below. If you were unaware, changes are being made to the branches in both Noblesville and Fishers, so change is in the air in both cities. As residents of Fishers, we have access to both libraries. Here’s the release:
Hamilton East Public Library Improvement Projects Focused on the Future
The Hamilton East Public Library is preparing for the future by focusing on improving access and expanding possibilities through reconfiguring its indoor and outdoor spaces. “The communities we serve are rapidly changing and expanding. As our communities grow and become more diverse, the library must reimagine and optimize our spaces so that all residents can have ample opportunities for high-quality experiences, activities, and programs,” says Library Director Edra Waterman.
When completed, visitors to the Fishers and Noblesville libraries will enjoy more pedestrian-friendly access and gathering spaces, natural landscape designs, and the opportunity to participate in programming and experiential learning opportunities inside and outside the library buildings.
The library will remain open at regular hours during construction. The library will make every effort to keep service as uninterrupted as possible. The community can follow along through photos and updates during construction at the Hamilton East Public Library website.
New North entrance and parking at Fishes Library:

Interior entry at Fishers library:

Fishers Library
The Fishers library was built in the former town of Fishers in 1993 before the explosive population growth and development around the Nickel Plate District area. As a result, parking around its south-facing main entrance is limited. Construction is underway to create a new two-story main entrance on the north side of the building, expand parking, redesign interior spaces, and make the necessary infrastructure improvements to optimize the library experience for patrons of all ages.
An integral part of the exterior work will be connecting the south entrance with the Nickel Plate Trail and creating a natural landscape design incorporating native plants and trees and a large-scale interactive art piece.
Noblesville Library
In Noblesville, library improvement efforts are focused on enhancing traffic flow, increasing access to green spaces, creating outdoor amenities for all ages, plus an updated front façade. Once completed, visitors will enjoy indoor and outdoor programming and communal spaces to read, relax, gather, explore and contemplate. Through an expanded and reimagined Indiana Room, visitors can participate in experiential learning opportunities in history and genealogy.
Front entrance at Noblesville library:

About Hamilton East Public Library
Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) has two locations, including its Fishers and Noblesville libraries. HEPL offers a comprehensive range of library materials, programs, services, and resources for all ages. Signature services are provided through its Ignite Studio and the Indiana Room. Each year, the library circulates nearly 2.0 million items to 87,000 cardholders and delivered more than 3,000 programs annually before the pandemic.
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