For anyone that’s traversed the roundabout at Olio and Southeastern Parkway, you likely wondered if you were going to get out of it alive, or at least out of it on the right street. I’ll admit, I ended up on…
Should City of Fishers Take On Yet Another Business: Sewers
Many people shout and scream on social media about socialism taking over. Those same people might want to pay attention a notice that has been distributed indicating the City of Fishers is looking to acquire Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Utilities. This…
Free Spin Doctors Concert This Friday (October 1st)
Yes, the Spin Doctors are playing the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater (AMP) this Friday, October 1st at 8:00pm. This is a free concert open to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis with no tickets needed. If you plan to…
Trick-or-Treat Hours for Fishers 2021 Announced
Police Chief Ed Gebhart has announced the hours for this year’s (2021) Trick-or-Treating in Fishers. Yes, there will be tricks and there will be treats across Fishers on October 31st from 6;00 to 8:00pm. To help ensure safety across the…
Dr. Stoke First Superintendent Advisory Council Meeting
On September 21st, Dr. Stokes, superintendent of Hamilton Southeastern Schools met with an advisory group. While this was Dr. Stokes’ first Superintendent Advisory Council (SAC) meeting, the meetings had happened in previous years with HSE’s previous superintendent, Dr. Bourff. The…
Don’t Miss Fishers Recycle Day: October 2, 2021
Ever wonder what you are going to do with that broken television sitting in the garage? Do you have a bunch of cardboard boxes sitting around. Are half empty paint cans rusting away in your garage? Are you not sure…
Covid within Hamilton Southeastern Schools: A Quick Look at the Numbers
Like many schools around the country, Hamilton Southeaster is watching and tracking the positive cases of Covid being reported by students and staff. The numbers for the week of Aug8ust 15th to 22nd were among the highest that the district…
Restrictions on SR 37 on August 30th and 31st
Plan for restrictions to happen on north bound State Road 37 just north of 146th Street on Monday and Tuesday, August 30th and 31st. The City has announced that there will be large beams being delivered via semis to the…
Covid Cases at HSE Schools Reach New High
The number of positive Covid cases in the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School District has reached a new high according to the HSE Schools’ own COVID Tracker at The number of positive cases reported last week topped 93. Another 264…
131st to 146th: Nickel Plate Trail Paving Happening This Fall
The City of Fishers has put out a press release that indicates the northern portion of the Nickel Plate Trail (NPT) from 131st Street to 146th Street could be paved and open by the end of October. The City stated…