Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness released a video on Covid-19 numbers. Covid 19 numbers are at record levels in Fishers. Please watch this important message. — Scott Fadness (@ScottFadness) November 11, 2020
Rating Shoots to Red for Fishers Covid-19 Risk
The following information was provided by the Fishers Health Department at their meeting on November 10th. The Fishers Board of Health meeting, Monica Heltz, Public Health Director, presented findings to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases experienced in Fishers. As…
Don’t Get Scammed with an Xbox Series X
This week Microsoft released new versions of their game console called Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. While these retail for around $500 and $300 respectively, because they are a new release and supplies are low, the machines are…
Fishers Celebrates the Completion of the 96th Street Rehabilitation
Fishers, Ind. — State, County, and City officials will celebrate the completion of the 96th Street Rehabilitation project Monday morning, November 9th. A ribbon cutting will be happening at 8:30 a.m. at the Sargent Road roundabout located 96th and Sargent…
Waiting on the Final Results: Elections both National and Local
With it being the day after the United States elections, people want to know who won. The reality is, it takes time to count votes, especially those that have been mailed and need to be processed. In some states, such…
Extending Nickel Plate Trail – 126th to 131st Street
If you haven’t noticed, the City of Fishers is continuing to put down asphalt on the Nickel Plate trail. Today they were working on the section between 126th Street and 131st Street. This section is anticipated to be completed by…
Evening Covid Testing Hours in Fishers
You can now be tested up until 7:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fishers by the Fishers Health Department. There are also Saturday hours from 9 am until 2:00pm. This is in addition to the standard Monday through Friday 9:00am…
Diner-Style Burgers and Fries
Today, a new food offering coming to the Fishers Test Kitchen was announced: diner-style burgers and fries from restaurant veteran Neil Brown at the Pop-Up Concept, One Trick Pony. Opening November 2, One Trick Pony will serve up diner-style burgers…
Public Notice of HSE Schools Budget Public Hearing
The public hearing of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools preliminary budget is October 14th at 7:00 pm at the HSE Central Office on Cumberland Road. The meeting is live-streamed online as part of the normal school board meeting as well. Following…
HSE Superintendent Advisor Committee: October Update
The superintendent of Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Dr. Bourff has meetings throughout the year with parents that representative from each school and represent each of the school board members. Most of these parents are generally members of the school PTOs, so…