The following information was provided by the Fishers Health Department at their meeting on November 10th.
The Fishers Board of Health meeting, Monica Heltz, Public Health Director, presented findings to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases experienced in Fishers. As part of the proposed recommendations, Heltz outlined several key areas:
- Social gatherings are a primary source of spread according to reporting from contact tracers
- COVID-19 infection is widespread across the Fishers community with no one concentrated area.
- All ages appear to be equally affected
- Strong indication that schools remain a safe space for students in terms of case-to-case transmission
These key findings informed the following proposals that will undergo consideration for adoption during Friday’s scheduled Board of Health meeting.
General Population
- Avoid gatherings in homes, workplaces, churches
- Stay at home except for essential services (i.e. school, work, healthcare, and groceries)
- Utilize curbside delivery, carryout services and/or home delivery
- Work from home if possible
- Increase sanitation protocols
- Gyms and retail establishments should have special hours for high-risk individuals
- Mask up; distance; sanitize
- 5 Core requirements for Orange and Red
- All school-sponsored extracurriculars canceled in Red
- Enforcement via environmental inspections by FHD
- One case in a class quarantines the entire class
Public Health Order
- Cancellation of school-sponsored extracurricular activities
Restaurants / Bars
- No bar seating – patrons must sit at designated tables
- No more than 8 people at a table
- Masks must be worn at restaurants until food arrives, however can be temporarily removed for drinking beverages before food arrives
Entertainment Facilities
- Confined entertainment spaces: No more than 8 in group
Social Gatherings (incl. Banquet Halls, Conference Centers)
- Indoors: 10 maximum
- Outdoors: 25 maximum
- 1 spectator per participant at sporting events
Mask Mandate Modification
- Masks must be worn at restaurants until food arrives, however can be temporarily removed for drinking beverages before food arrives
In addition to the potential implementation of the public health orders, the Fishers Health Department asks all residents to make Every Action Count:
- Wear a mask
- Distance
- Sanitize
- No outside visitors to your household