Once again the Fisher Library (Hamilton East Public Library) is doing a summer reading prog

ram. This program is aimed for readers of all ages from kids to adults, and goes from June 1st to July 31, 2021 with logging starting June 1st.
This year’s theme for the summer reading program is tails and tales! As such, the library has a list of recommended books for kids of various ages with a focus on tales with tails!
The summer reading program is a simply program where you log books or pages read over the summer months. As you log pages, adults earn tickets for a drawing at the end of the summer for prizes. Adults earn a ticket for the first six hundred pages read, and a second ticket for reaching 1200 pages. For simply registering, adults can also get an HEPL book tote from the library.
For toddlers, kids, and teens, you can earn a free book just for enrolling in the program. You can enroll your kids online starting May 15th (now) and pick up the free book at the library starting June 1st.
The logging is done online through Beanstack. you can find a link to register for the program starting May 15th (so open now) at https://www.hepl.lib.in.us/summer-reading-program-2021-tails-and-tales/.
The library has done the summer reading program for many years. This year’s goal is to reach 2.5 million pages read by the community. If this goal is surpassed, then the drawing for adults will include a $250 Amazon gift card.
You can find more information on the summer reading program at the Fishers and Noblesville libraries.