Mayor Fadness along with the City of Fishers have announced a program that runs from now through January 18th that rewards local Fishers residents for doing acts of kindness. The program also puts $100,000 into supporting local restaurants through the distribution of gift cards for the acts of kindness.
Between now and January 18th, you can shar information with the city about things you’ve done or that you’ve seen others do. The form, available at https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/2bb80db199a44683b3c19e881bc5cb50 allows you to describe the act of kindness and provide a photo. You also need to include a name, contact information, and a birthdate as well as other information. The result, however, is that you will be eligible for one of 2,000 $50 gift card to a local restaurant.
“2020 has been a year that has challenged us as a community, but it has also given us new opportunities to come together,” said Mayor Fadness. “I’ve seen neighbors helping neighbors, offering to pick up groceries or deliver meals. I have seen our residents step up to support strangers, participating in food drives and creating holiday care packages for those in need. ”
The Mayor stated that it is important for the community to support each other. As such, he is launching this program and is encoraging everyone to help reach the goal of completing 2,000 acts of kindness by Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 18.
“Mayor Fadness said, “To cap off this unprecedented year, I challenge our community to give back 2,000 times over, in ways both big and small. Shovel a neighbor’s driveway, send a letter of encouragement to a friend, hold the door for a stranger. Find opportunities to serve others in new ways and let us showcase what Fishers is all about.”
You can find examples of acts of kindness on the city’s site at thisisfishers.com/kindness. Examples include shoveling snow for a neighbor, leaving notes of kindness, offering help to an elderly neighbor, and more.
Because the city is giving away an item of value, it is worth noting that in looking at the form and site, it was not clear how the city will determine which acts of kindness will receive a gift card. Having said that, with the requirement including the need to enter information such as a birthdate and a photo, that could limit the number of people who are able to successfully complete the form. Regardless, this is an interesting program.
Of course, hopefully people will do acts of kindness simply for, well, the kindness of it!
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