Police Chief Ed Gebhart has announced the hours for this year’s (2021) Trick-or-Treating in Fishers. Yes, there will be tricks and there will be treats across Fishers on October 31st from 6;00 to 8:00pm.
To help ensure safety across the city, there will be police cars patrolling the neighborhoods. Even so, the Chief has commented that if you see anything suspicious (outside the normal Halloween oddities), call the police immediately. It was also stated that you should remember common safety guidelines for Halloween such as:
- Watch for cars and other vehicles. This is especially true when crossing streets.
- Only go to houses where you know the owners.
- Kids should only accept pre-packaged candy. It has been stated that homemade treats should not be handed out and definitely should not be eaten.
- Adults should inspect candy before letting kids chow.
- Wear light colored clothing / costumes, carry a flashlight, or do what needs to be done so that kids are seen.
- Only visit homes where a porch light is turned on.
- Parents should accompany kids
- Avoid contact with other trick-or-treaters that you don’t know.
- Since there is a little virus going around, use hand sanitizer before and after you touch objects or other people.
- Wash your hands (or child’s hands) before handling treats/food.
- Only take one. If a house has set out candy so you can choose your own, then only take one item (or as many as any signage says). Leave the rest for other kids to enjoy just like the previous kids left treats for you.
Of course, it never hurts if kids also say “Thank You!” when receiving a treat.
It is worth noting that there are several signs available online that you can print and place on your door or front of house. These include signs that indicate you are not doing trick or treating such as the following sign (Note these images are grabbed from other towns, but you can easily edit them):

Or it could be a sign that says if you are going to trick-or-treat that you need to have a face mask. Understand that some people are immune compromised, and thus might request that you wear a mask for their health concerns.

Of course, the most important thing to remember is to have fun!
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