There are always opportunities around Fishers, Indiana to volunteer. Many allow you to get outdoors and enjoy nature while contributing to the community. A few current volunteer opportunities include:
- Richey Woods Weed Wrangling
- Planting a Tree
- Park or Rain Garden Stewardship
There is also a need for volunteers at the AgriPark Pumpkin Chuck and Boo Bash.
Ritchey Woods Weed Wrangling
The Ritchey Wood Weed Wrangle is Thursday, October 19 at Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve from
5:00 – 7:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for individuals, groups, troops, and clubs. You do need to 14 or older or otherwise have an adult with you. Volunteers will pull invasive plants throughout the park. Work gloves and trash bags will be provided. All ages and abilities are welcome to join. Note that you will be bending over to pull weeds, but you also get to meander through Ritchey Woods off the normal paths! This is a fun one to take the kids to help with. You can sign up at https://www.volunteerfishers.com/need/detail/?need_id=664256. At the time of this writing, there were 135 open slots out of 150.
Planting a Tree
The “Plant a Tree with Us” event is Thursday, November 2 along the Allisonville Corridor from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 4 at Heritage park from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. For this event, work gloves will be provided. Volunteers are, however, asked to supply their own shovel. This is a tree planting volunteer event for residents and families as part of a Keep Fishers Beautiful Day of Service.
200 quality and native street trees are a result of a donation from Duke Energy Foundation, so the City of Fishers is continuing the process of greening the Allisonville Corridor. Due to the nature of the tree planting on Thursday, November 2 volunteers can join the fun and volunteer whenever is best with their schedule. You can sign up to volunteer at https://www.volunteerfishers.com/need/detail/?need_id=855240. At the time of this writing, there were 25 of 25 open slots on November 2nd and 18 of 25 open slots on November 4th. This is a great opportunity for businesses and groups.
Park or Rain Garden Stewardship
The Park and Rain Garden Stewardships are a more long-term volunteer opportunity. For the Rain Garden Steward role, they ask that you volunteer for a year to take care of one of the 27 different rain gardens around Fishers. They ask that you work on an assigned garden at least once a month to remove trash, pull invasive species, report damage or vandalism, etc. To learn more about what Rain Gardens are, where the 27 are located, go to https://www.volunteerfishers.com/need/index?s=1&need_init_id=9136.
Park Stewards help ensure that Fishers parks are also in good condition. This includes trash cleanup, trail maintenance, removing invasive species, and reporting vandalism and park damage as well. This is also a once a month (or more) commitment for a year for one of five parks including Geist Waterfront Park, Flat Fork Creek Park, Billericay Park, Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve, and Holland Park. You can learn more and sign up at https://www.volunteerfishers.com/need/index?s=1&need_init_id=9237. Most of the parks need multiple people to volunteer. For example, Flat Fork Creek Park Steward is an opportunity for 10 people.

AgriPark Pumpkin Chuck
The pumpkin chuck at AgriPark is on Saturday, November 4 at the Fishers AgriPark from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is done with the Fishers Fire Foundation and volunteers will assist with set up, check-in, assisting with the pumpkin chucking, and tear down. People can bring their old pumpkins to Agripark and use a catapult/trebuchet to toss them. The toss cost is a donation to the Fishers Fire Foundation ($10/family is requested) on the day of the event.
You can volunteer at https://www.volunteerfishers.com/need/detail/?need_id=862200. At the time of this writing, there were 14 lots open. Times were either 9:30am to noon or 11:45am to 2:30pm.
Boo Bash 2023
Boo Bash is on Saturday, October 28 at the Nickel Plate Amp area from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to assist goblins and ghouls with various activities, and monitor the ADA parking lot. Volunteer t-shirts with be provided. Volunteers under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult with an active volunteer profile.
Boo Bash is a free event where kids of all ages are encouraged to come in costume to celebrate Halloween as part of the Fishers community. This year has made some adjustments. In the past couple of years, there has been a huge turnout and, as the city stated, it was “very logistically difficult for trick-or-treating lines”. This year, they are offering a vendor area, entertainment, photo opportunities, food trucks, games and activities, characters, contests, and more. The plan is for a more engaging and multi-activity event aimed at creating a better attendee experience overall, compared to long wait times and lines from previous years.
Volunteers are needed for one of three lots. You can volunteer at https://www.volunteerfishers.com/need/detail/?need_id=859637. At the time of this writing, there were 12 slots open at various times (morning and afternoon).